Saturday, May 21, 2011

March 2011

Hi everyone... it has been a while since the last post.  Lots has happened! ....

The beginning of March I told Andy I think we should ride the BCT (Black Canyon Trail) from hwy 69 down to Rock Springs.  This is a great trail.. flows nice, not a lot of technical and I figured that since we are starting up north and heading south it should be down hill and not too hard.  

Andy kinda just looked at me like I was a crazy person since I hadn't been riding but a couple of time this year, but still he wanted to do it so we called Sticki up and they were in too.  

Steve, the crazy guy he is, wanted to get more miles in so he decided to get up early and drive to Rock Springs and ride up to the spot where Micki, Andy and I were going to leave from.   We got started about 9:30 ish I believe.  It was nice and still pretty cool out.. perfect for riding.   There are a couple of river crossings we had to do so I brought my slip on shoes.  I brought a pair for Micki as well since her Keens are very heavy.  I carefully packed my shoes in my pack so as not to crush my sandwich that I had to eat later.   I looked at Micki's pack and she had here shoes clipped on her pack, and her pack is the same as mine just a little newer. So I told Andy hey, I want to do that too but, as I was saying this I was looking at her pack and she has clips and my pack only has straps, so I knew it wouldn't work, but before I could make this split second decision Andy had janked them out.  Then as I am yelling at him he is trying to stuff them back in my pack, which remember I was so careful not to smash my sandwich... you get the point.

We head out, it took a few minutes to find the actual trail but we were off.  It really is a nice trail, ups and downs, turns and oh yeah... a big climb... I was saying to myself as I was climbing... what the heck... we are going south we should should be going all down hill no pedaling needed... what ever!

About 6 miles in we meet up with Steve.  We had brought him a sandwich as well and he was hungry so we stopped and watched him eat and we looked around at the nice scenery... cows!

We head out... and as we were getting back on the bikes Andy notices that I only have one shoe....aaarrrgggg...  I say... if he wouldn't have pulled them out I would still have two.. and these were my favorite... he says why would you bring your favorite out... I said I brought the other pair, but let Micki use them so I needed to bring these.  I was mad for a while....

We get to the big river crossing and I am tired... I know it is only about 7 more miles and we are done but man they were really long....

We make it back and head to the restaurant to eat... food was good but I was so tired I couldn't eat. We head back to where our car was from this morning.   Micki, Andy and I did 37 miles and Steve did about 70!!!     Andy says on the way back... who would have thought that you could get up off the couch and do a 37 mile ride!?  I said yah... who would have thought.. certainly not you!

That pretty much was the exciting thing we did on March.

But wait there's more.... I was talking to some people who where out on the trail the same day as us... I ask them if they saw my shoe and they said yes.. its about 4 miles in... and then another person said they were going to ride the trail next weekend and I asked if they could pick up my shoe.   I sent the Calvary out to find my shoe!   To be continued.....