Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

As I sit here pondering on what to say and thinking back on 2009. I find myself having to go back through this very blog to see what did happen in 2009.  Yes, the blog only highlights the good times, like all the biking we did, the friends we met, and milestones.  I have to think about the low lights that aren't mentioned as much in the blog, the family arguments, pets passing, injuries throughout the year.   All of this, the good, the bad, made for an interesting 2009.

If you ask Andy he will say that 2009 was a bad year.  He was sick a couple of times, he was injured more than a couple of times, he had car issues, family trials and tribulations. It generally sucked for him.  

As for me, I think that 2009 was a pretty good year. I think I was only sick twice, which is pretty good.  I was not so injured that I couldn't ride, even with all the spills and endo's I did the first part of the year.  I am pretty lucky on that account... I did take some nasty falls, but I never broke or sprained anything!  But, after taking all of those spills I am happy to report my bike riding skills did improve ten fold!  

And thinking back on 2009, I had to pull out the resolutions that were made and to see if I accomplished them or not. Here is my list from last year:
  1- Lose weight/ get into shape / eat better
  2- Do more triathlons / races
  3- Grow my Bookkeeping business

Did I do all of the above?  Well somewhat...
I did lose weight over the year, and I did start eating better, more fruits and veggies, but I still could not cut out the cookies! YUMMY.
I did only one triathlon this year and one mountain bike race... I don't think I did as well as I could with this one.
I added a couple of new clients but that really wasn't until the very end of the year.  This one I fell short on.  Better luck in 2010!

I signed up on Facebook........ and finally put in my real name, you know what I'm talking about, but once I did, I reconnected with long lost friends.  Some from high school and some from Jr. High... I know that is a really long long time ago!  So, I guess there is a use for those social networks after all.

Looking toward 2010 and trying to imagine how the year will go and thinking about how I can shape it myself, I say Bring it on!   I want 2010 to be a stellar year for me.  I want to accomplish all of the things I have only been talking about in 2009 like, actually investing, and growing my bookkeeping so I don't have to be at Subway so much.  Possibly sell Subway so we can do whatever our next adventure is.  I have big hopes and plans for 2010!

My resolutions for 2010... they are still a work in progress but here are some for now.
1- Continue to mountain bike as much as possible.
2- Grow my bookkeeping business - double my client base
3- Continue to work out and stay in shape.
4- To not let the "drive" stop me... so many times we say "no" because we don't want to drive into town or somewhere... that's not living... thats just stalling life.
5- To be "ALIVE", not letting the small unimportant stuff overwhelm me to where I just feel like I have too much work to do.  I want to look back and say, Yah I did that and it was fun and I still got all my other stuff done too.
6- Pay down some debt... I thought I would add that one in there just so it stays front and center.
7- To surround myself with happy positive people.  Life is too short to unhappy all of the time.

I may add some more as the week goes on and I really think about what I want to happen in 2010.  

I hope that everyone takes a little time to think about 2009.  Where you've been and look to 2010 to where you want to go.  Make your resolutions/goals for the year.  Keep them in a spot you see them daily and work each day to make them come to fruition!

So with that, I say  Happy New Year 2010!  I welcome you with open arms and can't wait to see what you bring.    

Be safe and happy. I hope that 2010 is good for you too!   

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stocking Boxes! Who woulda thought.....

Who says I'm not creative..... 

We all decided this year that we would only get each other stocking stuffers and what ever big ticket item each person wanted, they would buy for themselves.  

After filling the stockings up with the stuff that Andy and I had purchased, there wasn't much room left inside.  Every year we have the same dilemma, not enough room in the stockings.......except for mine.  Mine is soo big I could use it as a sleeping bag.  Todd and Andy are still using theirs from when they were about 2 years old.  Their Aunt made them for them....sentimental value I suppose.   So this year I came up with the idea of.......wait for it............."Stocking Boxes".  I took boxes, wrapped them up, put tissue paper inside so they would look pretty and then dresses up the outside. 

 Also, on the outside is a small bag that will hold cards, thus none get lost in the fray.  I thought it was a brillant idea and I am very proud of the stocking boxes!  Andy asks, "why not just use a big gift bag?"   I said "because A- They don't hold as much B- I get to decorate them how I like and C- they are stronger and look like presents!"  

I told Andy this will be a new tradition now and that next year Carol and Todd will have to come over and we can decorate our own stocking boxes!   Isn't it a cool idea!!!!!! :)  Yeah....I thought so too!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Black Canyon City "BCT Trail"

Trail: BCT
Riders: 7 and 1 Pup
Time: 4 hours
Distance 19 miles

On Sunday we headed down to the Black Canyon Trail (BCT).  Mike, used to ride with us this fall when he was overseeing the construction of the new 89/69 interchange, but lives in the valley, invited us to go on the ride.  With the weather being only a high of 42 degrees and raining in Prescott, we hopped on the the chance to go riding somewhere warmer.   I called Micki and she was in as well.  We all met up at 9am at the trailhead.

Since I am still waiting on a part for my "trusty steed", I took my single speed.  Micki being the BFF she is, brought hers too.  There are 7 of us total.  1 dog- Jessi,  2 girls on SS's and the boys all had gears!   I believe the trail is rated a moderate to difficult.  The first part is all climbing, switch back after switch back.  I thought for sure I was going to die on the SS.   I really haven't gotten used to the whole "standing up to pedal thing", but I soon got into rhythm.  At the river bed crossing, we all gathered to make sure everyone knew where to go.  Off in the distance you hear Jessi barking,  Andy whistles, and here she comes racing back with a big grin on her face, like yeah I just showed them!  We figured she was barking at some cows, or at least that is what we hoped.

We start out again and there is rough rocky section full of sand, it sucks so bad! Some people took a good line, some did not.  I did however,  make it the whole way cranking it out on the SS.  My legs were on fire!  I was pretty proud of myself though... some of the guys didn't make it and they had gears!

We start to make a turn to the right and we holler for Jessi. We look left up the mountain and there she is chasing cows!  I don't know what she thinks they were but she seemed to be having a good time.  We reeled her in and continued on.   We get to the top and start the fun downhill and boom...... someone gets a flat tire.   The rest of the downhill was pretty fun.  It is has lots of curves with some rolling hills,  so it keeps you interested.

We get to another intersection and we decide to eat a little bit.  We felt a couple of sprinkles but nothing that scared us.   As we approached the Little Pan Loop, we took a vote as to who wanted to do the loop and who did not.  We were a little concerned about Jessi and the weather.  Jessi can do 15-17 miles and if we turned around right then she would be at 19 miles total, so we opted to just turn around and head back.   As we got back to the intersection we could see the rain closing in and we could feel more frequent drops.  Micki and I chose to put our rain jackets on.... Sugar melts in water you know.... the boys toughed it out.  As we got closer to the end the rain started to mist a little more... it wasn't a down pour just a heavy mist.  Enough to have water dripping off my helmet and my jacket.  It started to cool down too, but we had a nice long hill to climb back up so the temp worked for us.

We were almost back to the trail head and someone else had a flat tire.  I guess they had been working on it for a while by the time I came up on them.  I was not going too fast on the way back.  I was just spinning trying to conserve, so I could make it back without bonking.   While the guys stayed with the flat tire, Micki and I kept going... there were two very steep switch backs to do before coasting down to the cars.  I took Jessi with us, she was very tired to say the least.  She really doesn't like to be wet, so with the rain on her and her being tired, she just had this look of " are we done yet... really? I want to lay down".

We get to the cars and dried Jessi off, she hops in the Subie and lays down... she didn't care what was going on outside of the car, she just wanted to sleep.   We changed clothes and headed for Rock Springs Cafe... I needed a cheeseburger to make it home.  We had some burgers, warmed up and talked about the ride.  It was very nice sharing conversations with everyone.

We made our way back to Prescott as everyone else had the short drive home to Phx.   When we got home Jessi promptly got a bath and us too.  She and I took a well deserved nap!  We had a great time and want to say thanks to Mike for inviting us.  We will have to do it again sometime.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas 2009.....

Merry Christmas Everyone......

This year has flown by so fast it's hard to remember exactly what we did all year.  That is where I think this whole" blog idea" is a good thing.  As I scroll back through the pages, I'm constantly saying to myself, " oh yeah, I forgot about that."  It's also a creative outlet and and easy way to keep in touch with others.  If they want to find out what you're up to these days, just log on and find out.  But that doesn't mean we wouldn't love a phone call from you either.
These days with all this technology, blogs, texting, twitter.......ugh!!

I find myself feeling more and more disconnected these days.  My brother wants me to get a new DROID phone so I can do all these apps and "cool things" with it.  I've had the same cell for almost 8 years now.  I have pictures on it and make PHONE CALLS on it like you should.  Yes, actual human contact, in the speaking sense.  No thanks, I hear enough keyboard chatter from Brooke's mini typewriter anyways.  Click, click click, click clickity,, click, clickity, click.  "Geezus."

simulated texting between Brooke and friends below......

This year, I reflect back on what is truly important.  Family, friends and the simple things in life.......

I hope this Holiday season gives me the chance to reconnect with some loved ones that I've become "unplugged" from.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mattie, Shelby and Aullie - In loving Memory

Words are hard to explain the joy and comfort that a family dog(s) can deliver.  They give you someone to hold when you feel blue.  They give you someone to talk to when no one else will listen, and somehow they understand every word.  If your single, they give you someone to come home to.  They are just as eager to see you, because they've missed you too.  Some how they make a bad day that much brighter.  They are always happy to see you, and want to spend as much time with you as possible....... and they love every minute of it.   I received this from a good friend a while back....It's called "Good Advice."

If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back in the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout ... run right back and make friends.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.

Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.