Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stocking Boxes! Who woulda thought.....

Who says I'm not creative..... 

We all decided this year that we would only get each other stocking stuffers and what ever big ticket item each person wanted, they would buy for themselves.  

After filling the stockings up with the stuff that Andy and I had purchased, there wasn't much room left inside.  Every year we have the same dilemma, not enough room in the stockings.......except for mine.  Mine is soo big I could use it as a sleeping bag.  Todd and Andy are still using theirs from when they were about 2 years old.  Their Aunt made them for them....sentimental value I suppose.   So this year I came up with the idea of.......wait for it............."Stocking Boxes".  I took boxes, wrapped them up, put tissue paper inside so they would look pretty and then dresses up the outside. 

 Also, on the outside is a small bag that will hold cards, thus none get lost in the fray.  I thought it was a brillant idea and I am very proud of the stocking boxes!  Andy asks, "why not just use a big gift bag?"   I said "because A- They don't hold as much B- I get to decorate them how I like and C- they are stronger and look like presents!"  

I told Andy this will be a new tradition now and that next year Carol and Todd will have to come over and we can decorate our own stocking boxes!   Isn't it a cool idea!!!!!! :)  Yeah....I thought so too!

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