Saturday, June 4, 2011

Emma baby

We miss you Emma....
Born Christmas Day 2000 - June 4, 2011

I'm sad to say that Emma is no longer with us.  She fought valiantly against Lymphatic Cancer.  She's been a great friend and companion for over ten years.  She was a wonderful dog.  Always happy and outgoing.  Just look at the smile, taken days before we had to let her go........You would never know that she was fighting cancer and getting weaker by the day.

She was our "little shadow", always keeping a watchful eye over us, checking on "her flock" if you will.  Following us from room to room in the house.  I am sad that she was taken from us.  I am sad that she is not able to be here with Rylee and Jessi.  I think of all the memories of her over the years, every single one is cherished.

When she was about 2 years old, we took the dogs camping at a lake with some friends. We took them out on the boat while we waterskied.  We were anchored about 50 feet from shore, as we're coming in, we tossed the dogs out so they could swim back,  I hopped out as well to attach the bow line to the anchor. The boat was about 10 feet away from the anchor line and I had to swim and pull the boat to attach the anchor line.  The next thing I know, Emma's got a good bite on the line and is swimming with the bow line in her mouth right next to me, helping me pull the boat to get the anchor line secured.  She's tugging and grunting, and knows exactly what has to happen.  As soon as the line is secured she lets go and swims back to shore.

 Everyone was impressed!!!  Damn, that's a smart dog right there!!!  Commented some friends.  I was proud and amazed, she was able to comprehend and figure out that "I needed a helping hand" and came to help me out.  Very smart indeed.

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